In the heart of Ghana, beneath the warm caress of the sun on the cocoa farms of Tetteh Quarshie, lay a story as old as the century-old cocoa trees that had first found their roots in that sacred soil. A tale unfolded—a profound tradition emerged—the sacred golden pod breaking ceremony. It was truly no ordinary tale but rather an emotional journey through time, where the very essence of Ghana’s history and the resilience of its people became intertwined.
As I stood amidst the ancient cocoa plants, their branches whispered secrets of a bygone era, and I felt an undeniable connection to the spirit of this unique ceremony. The values of Africaniwa guided me, urging that the human story should be central to our understanding of the world. The human story of this heritage won for me through the blood and toil of my foremothers.
This ceremony had always been more than a tradition; it was a divine gift born from spirited conversations with our innermost being, influenced by both seen and unseen witnesses.
So, standing on sacred grounds where the first cocoa beans had survived over a century ago—a place where the very first trees to thrive in Ghana still stood—this was the first time the sacred golden pod breaking ceremony will be performed on such hallowed soil. The emotion was palpable, a connection to history and nature in perfect synchrony.
As we journeyed this path, driven by the foundational values of Africaniwa, we felt the weight of our shared humanity. Every step echoed with the understanding that born by the ground, with the ground, and on the ground could the pod be broken. So, one of the sacred golden pods was broken. Ghana’s historical significance as a cocoa producer unfolded before us, a legacy deeply embedded in colonialism but also in the nation’s pride and heritage known by every Ghanaian child.
Visiting the Tetteh Quarshie cocoa farm became a pilgrimage, standing beside century-old plants, feeling the leaves anchor and embrace. The whispers of encouragement echoed through the atmosphere, beckoning me to embrace the journey home, taataa taataa.
In the company of fellow pilgrims, we each sucked on the beans as a testament, and in that moment, the soil, the skies, the plants—all were in synchrony with the ritual. It wasn’t just an act; it was a proclamation, a call for our connected health, wealth, and well-being. And as my voice resonated, proclaiming, “She who brings Cocoa brings health and wealth and well-being,” it echoed through the Ghanaian sky, reaching the hearts of kindred spirits far and beyond.
In this tale of the golden pod, we discovered not just history but a celebration of a new story, affecting our eating culture, our language, the economics, and the politics of Cocoa on the motherland. It was a tribute to Tetteh Quarshie, all known and unknown cocoa farmers who had toiled and labored but whose stories were often forgotten. As we broke the pod, we remembered, for truly, when a people are forgotten, their humanity is lost. So let this be a call for the well-being of all who share in the essence of cocoa, a journey that transcends time and connects us to the very soul of the land.